Let's see. I have five dogs at present, Pip, Zinger, Mai, Jeri and Bard. Pip is my most OCD Nosework dog and has passed her NoseWork 1 and NoseWork 2 trials with flying colors, per me. She is a lot of fun. Zinger is ready for NW2 trialing, but is pregnant, so will most likely wait until the pups are a bit older than in ureto! She is distractable when pg.
Mai is a Burlap daughter from Phillip C Klosinski and is two years old. When I get her health tests all done, she may have a litter. She is a sweet little girl.
Jeri was born on my brother, Jerry's, birthday, May 16m 2014. She is Elwha B Stingin' In The Rain. Her mother is Zinger and her daddy is Burlap. Her brother, Morse, lives with Betty and Skip. We traded Morse for Zinger. Bonny likes Morse a ton and their house is calmer with Morse than with Zinger. Such is life. Jeri and Morse both are in puppy class and NoseWork. Morse is much more obedient than Jeri. Just shows who is the trainer and who has been in Hawaii and lax.
The last dog is Bard, Elwha To B Or Not To Bee. He is Zinger's full brother, and his mother is Touille and daddy is BB, from frozen sperm. Jeri and Mai came from frozen sperm too. Isn't technology wonderful?!!!!!!
Touille is here part time. She goes back and forth to Bellingham with my daughter, Kathleen. She is my granddaughter's dog, Kate. Elli goes back and forth too, so sometimes we have a passel of dogs here!
Zinger flew to Atlanta to become a mother again, and Friday was the first day that she refused her breakfast. Her tummy feels hotter than normal too, so I think that she is going to have pups about Jan. 18th, Pip's birthday.
This weekend was exciting. Bryce, Zinger's puppy from July 2013, went to Eucanuba with Caleb Campbell and together they came in 4th in the Junior Handler contest. Caleb was only one of 120 of the top junior handlers in the country to be invited to the contest and he beat all but three of the other junior handlers there. Wonderful odds. Really all the credit goes to Caleb, not Bryce, because the judges only judge the handler, but lots of people saw Bryce and were very impressed with him too. Caleb does a great job! We are very proud of him here in Port Angeles.
BT puppies for sale, show, agility, freestyle dance, obedience, tracking, rally, and anything and everything! Have had health testing and healthy parents. The puppies come with a health guarantee and they are SMART puppies, well socialized, with clicker training started. They are inquisitive, love-to-learn puppies, and come with their first shots and a micro chip. From champion lines. Hobby breeder. Elwha, from the river nearby. 360-477-1869 or email cmetzler48@gmail.com
Monday, December 15, 2014
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
4 1/2 weeks old and as cute as they can be
My daughter is here and loving on these puppies to beat the band. What's not to love?!!!! They are extraordinarily cute and sweet. Phil Klosinski, who owned their daddy, keeps telling me that he was as sweet as can be. I believe it!
But, you don't want written words! You want puppy pictures!
Francie's babies are gaining weight at a fast clip! They are going to be sweet also!
OK. These will be a bit jumbled.
'Nuff said.
Signing off.
Old Curmudgeon
But, you don't want written words! You want puppy pictures!
Francie's babies are gaining weight at a fast clip! They are going to be sweet also!
OK. These will be a bit jumbled.

'Nuff said.
Signing off.
Old Curmudgeon
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Eyes opening today on these Burlap puppies!
Always a milestone, eyes opening.
Zinger is proving once again to be a GOOD mama. She is protective of the babies if Patch gets anywhere near the puppy pen. She gets between him or any of the other dogs and the puppies.
Zinger has started to eat better, as Betty said. It still tastes MUCH better and is much more palatable if the curmudgeon feeds her by hand, but she will sometimes eat out of the bowl! She is eating string cheese at the moment, but not cottage cheese. She is always up for vanilla ice cream though, just in case you wanted to stop by with a bowl of it for her!!!! Kidding, of course.
Just tried to photograph a couple of open eyes, but I'm not sure you'll be able to appreciate any slits with sparkles of light in them. Try!
Pip earned her Nosework 1 title on Saturday up in Bellingham. It was fun and would have been much more fun if I hadn't been so nervous! I made a big error since I was nervous, but she passed anyway and many people said that she was FUN to watch hunt for scent. She is a hoot!
Bryce did well at the National Specialty. He took second in the nine to twelve month old class in both Sweepstakes and the regular classes. Neither time did the dog who beat him even place in the other, so I am thinking he is at least consistent!!! Sweet boy and people outside the ring loved him and a few are ready to breed to him when he grows up and passes all of his health tests! He is a pretty nice boy and reminded a bunch of people of Norman, his uncle. I was pleased and had a ton of fun at the Specialty.
Tate did well at the National Specialty too. He took first in his class, Open. Nice boy. He is Touille's son by Walker. Nice breeding and it shows. Star, of course and as usual, showed him to perfection.
Zinger is proving once again to be a GOOD mama. She is protective of the babies if Patch gets anywhere near the puppy pen. She gets between him or any of the other dogs and the puppies.
Zinger has started to eat better, as Betty said. It still tastes MUCH better and is much more palatable if the curmudgeon feeds her by hand, but she will sometimes eat out of the bowl! She is eating string cheese at the moment, but not cottage cheese. She is always up for vanilla ice cream though, just in case you wanted to stop by with a bowl of it for her!!!! Kidding, of course.
Just tried to photograph a couple of open eyes, but I'm not sure you'll be able to appreciate any slits with sparkles of light in them. Try!
Pip earned her Nosework 1 title on Saturday up in Bellingham. It was fun and would have been much more fun if I hadn't been so nervous! I made a big error since I was nervous, but she passed anyway and many people said that she was FUN to watch hunt for scent. She is a hoot!
Bryce did well at the National Specialty. He took second in the nine to twelve month old class in both Sweepstakes and the regular classes. Neither time did the dog who beat him even place in the other, so I am thinking he is at least consistent!!! Sweet boy and people outside the ring loved him and a few are ready to breed to him when he grows up and passes all of his health tests! He is a pretty nice boy and reminded a bunch of people of Norman, his uncle. I was pleased and had a ton of fun at the Specialty.
Tate did well at the National Specialty too. He took first in his class, Open. Nice boy. He is Touille's son by Walker. Nice breeding and it shows. Star, of course and as usual, showed him to perfection.
Bye for now.
The Curmudgeon
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
Eight more days, but who's counting?!!!!!
Zinger bred to Burlap puppies due in eight days. Exciting and scary. Always scary before they deliver. I am very much hoping that all goes as before, like a dream. No, I don't know how many are in there, but I'm sure she is pregnant! She is acting like a princess again, according to her mama! Maybe I'll see her today at Nosework, maybe not if she has the vapors! You know!
OK. So more blogging soon.
The Curmudgeon
Her boy, Bryce has been VERY successful, knock on wood, in the show ring. He has twice now beaten specials. He is about 9.5 months old. Sweet as the day is long.
Watch Hannah and Rugby in the youtube videos below! Hannah is a Karen Pryor Academy ambassador/lecturer. Rugby is her newest demo dog. She has had Belgian Tervurens up until now and an old hound mix. Think she made the right choice getting a BT?!!!!! BTs rule!!!!
Sit platform:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?OK. So more blogging soon.
The Curmudgeon
Friday, March 14, 2014
Bryce-first points last Sunday
Just a quick picture of Bryce.
What do you think? Nice boy, yes?!!! Sweet as the day is long, busy and smart.
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