Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Jaba has a new name

Jaba went to a new home in Richland on Sunday.  His name is now Caber and he will be an agility dog.

Nosey is thinking about going to a home in Seattle and BB, Bard's boy, is going to a home in Victoria, if he passes his interview with two wonderful people who want a boy.  They weren't expecting a puppy this soon, but he is good enough to go to them and he is a boy.  I can hardly expect to get only girls in my next litter, but if I count on a boy, I won't get one!  Isn't that the way it always is?!!!!!

Jeri's two are growing fast, are cute and hopefully just what I want to take to Hawaii!  Fingers crossed.

Kathleen already took them home for the day, so no pictures at the moment.  Sorry.

Someone asked me for a puppy, but didn't leave his email address.  Call me at 360-477-1869, please.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Nice day out

We were lucky enough to have a few drops of rain last weekend, but this week has been nice and sunny, no rain and one cool day which was nice.

The puppies are growing.  I do love them.  Mr. Jaba is amazingly sweet, active, adventuresome and playful.  His sister, Nosey, is much the same, but not quite as.  BB, Bard's Boy, is beginning to play with them and run around on the floor, even though last weekend I varnished the kitchen floor to shiny slipperiness!!!!  Now it will be MUCH easier to clean.  Whew!

Just home from the Canadian National Specialty where Bryce was Reserve Winners Dog.  He was also Reserve Winners Dog at the last US BT National Specialty too.  The Reserve King.  We also had fun in Earthdog and next time he does it he may well title.  Took him a while to catch on, but then he didn't want to EVER leave!

The weekend before that I was in Colorado and took a seminar and test to become an Earthdog judge.  I had fun there with Janie Ritchie and a few other people with my dogs, Debby Sehi and Kassey Hill.  I also met some awfully nice people and saw some other people I hadn't seen in a while.

The puppies are growing and Jeri had two more a few weeks ago.  These two are remarkable for how light colored they are.  Usually puppies are born black.  These were born cafe au lait colored with a bit if dark brown on the back.  I was wondering if they would be wheatens, which I've never seen, but the stud's owner says they'll be red.  It will be fun to see.

In about six weeks Zinger will have her last litter and will then go live in Colorado.  She'll like that.  She can be a real princess there!

Curmudgeon has to go get a haircut....