Friday, December 28, 2012

One week old FAT squeakers!

I suppose that you would like some more pictures!?  Well, here they come.

I did remove dew claws two days ago and everyone seems fine after that trauma.  It REALLY traumatizes me to do it.  I can't stand hurting them!  I lessen the hurt by injecting numbing liquid, lidocaine, each time I do it, so the injection is all they feel and that is less than the dew claw removal would have been without the lidocaine.  I figure that in the long run though, the hurt is less than making a dew claw bleed over and over when clipping nails over a lifetime.  I do nick a dew claw on one of mine that hasn't been removed once in awhile and feel horrid after doing it.  Dew claws are a pain in the neck or leg, depending on one's point of view!
Their next trauma will be when I implant their ISO microchip.  I HATE doing that too!  That is a microchip that is recognized all over the world now.  These babies will be able to go to Crufts, Canada, or Hawaii with less rigamarole than otherwise!  VBG
Well, enough blabbering.  How's that, Angus?
The Curmudgeon needs to get to work. 

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Traveled babies!!!

This is their second day coming to work.  They don't mind it.  I heat up the heating pad, put it in the carrier bag, put all seven of them in on top of the warm heating pad, zip it up and wrap the bag in a warm blanket.  Then we hop in the car and come the three miles to work.  They are quiet and content, not cold.  No screaming, which is what they would do if they were cold.
They are doing well, nursing most of the time.  They are fat and their coats glisten like seal fur.  I love how their coats look at this age.  Little boogers that they are, they do wiggle lots when I pick them up.  I have already started the rubbing their chests when they are on their backs in my hands.  That calms them right down. 

OK.  The Old Curmudgeon is being called back to work by her conscience and other things!  I'll get more onto the blog soon.  Fat babies unite at the milk bar!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Doomsday or The End of the Mayan Calendar!

Today started out with a bang, but a constructive bang instead of a destructive one!  At close to 3:00 AM Touille had her first boy.  She ended up, by about 6:10 AM, having SIX boys and one lonely girl.  She did an amazing job.  What a great little girl!

There are four blue puppies, of which the girl is one.  Betty says that the boys will have to watch out for that sister, but six against one is pretty hefty odds!
Touille is always a bit protective of the babies at first.  She is even afraid I will eat them!  All the good mamas are like that.  See how her front leg is kind of shielding them?  I put the blanket over them and that makes her happy.
They came to work in a bag with a heated up heating pad in the bottom and I placed it on the heated front seat.  I ran the car for awhile and had the heater on full blast.  We are having a bit of a cold snap.  Luckily, after today, we will have about four days at home.  Yippee!!!!!
Clicking starts soon, as well as the neurological stimulation exercises.  These puppies will never get car sick because of going back and forth to work every workday.  Scientifically proven!!!!
Enjoy the pictures.  More to come!
Don't worry.  I'll kiss them LOTS.
The Happy Curmudgeon with the terrible cold (I need rest!)