Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Excuses, excuses!!!!

Leaving a sixteen year practice is hard and time consuming.  These puppies have not gotten their share of pictures being taken.  Poor babies. 

They are beautiful and sweet and wild and playful and smart.  It is hard to walk through the kitchen where they grab the cuff of my pants and hold on for dear life!  Little rascals!  They LOVE the moving toys, sit in the bowl chair, glide on the skate board, run over the teeter totter, etc.  It is fun to watch them learn physics first hand.  It is truly amazing to watch.

My last day of work as a dermatologist will be Nov. 12th.  Then I will have more time to write on the blog and take more pictures and do lots more things!  Probably won't get to Hawaii permanently until spring.  I get to go for Thanksgiving though.  Yippee!!!

We will know next week where they will be going.  Exciting!!!

Off to NoseWork for Jeri today.  Yesterday was Pip and Zinger's turn.

The crotchity curmudgeon signs off for today.  I hope that you enjoy the pictrures!