Wednesday, July 24, 2013

They lost something!

No, not weight!  They are gaining THAT like champs!
Yesterday they lost their dew claws.  How does one do that?!!!  Carefully and without anything but a little squeak for each one.  They all came through with flying colors!
Just a note on the future.  Francy will be coming into heat in the next month or so and will be bred to Spencer for my first US/British litter.  I am hoping for a very nice set of show puppies for me and for the people who want the prettiest companion dog they can imagine.  This is an exciting venture.
Francy has all of her health tests done and passed.  Spencer starts his on Saturday.  He'll get them all quite soon.
This weekend Mai, Spencer, and Pip will be in the dog shows in Sequim.  Mai received her first major win a few weekends ago in Coeur d'Alene, ID.  Pip has both her majors.  Spencer got a point or more in Massachusetts after the National Specialty in which he wasn't entered.  He received a Group 4 from the classes in that show in Bellingham, MA.  He beat an already champion beautiful bitch that floored me on how lovely she is and went on to get the Group 4 even though he was hot and not used to the heat and humidity of Massachusetts.  The judge told Carole that she would have given him a "much higher placement" in the Group if he had been more up, that she loved him!
The puppies will soon look like little beached whales the way they are eating and the way Zinger is taking care of them.  She is a natural born mama!  I'll try to get pictures this weekend, meanwhile visit Betty's blog!

Wish us luck this weekend!!!!  If you live nearby, come see the shows!
OK and out,
The Curmudgeon

Monday, July 22, 2013

PUPPIES, July 21, 2013

Well, Zinger hatched her first litter yesterday.  She was bred to Bravo, GCH Kandu's On The Move.  They are the proud parents of three boys and one girl.  All grizzle babies, all healthy and eating and pooping and thriving!  Of course I am very happy that all are well and that we had NO tense times through the whelping process.  Betty and Skip had a panic when the first one came out sooner than they thought it would and I wasn't yet there, but they were champs and did their job perfectly.  Then I got there and started working on the jigsaw puzzle next to where Zinger was.  What else should I be doing while waiting, I'd like to know!!!  I can resist everything except temptation and there it was, all laid out!  That's what a champ at whelping Ms. Zinger was!  What a girl!
Janie is pretty excited as she wants a boy and she gets to choose from THREE!  Meanwhile, I, who wanted a girl, get to choose from one!  Her name is Chai, because Zinger is tea and Betty wanted a tea name.  So there!  The boys are Bryce, Tiberius Rex, and Bravo Jr. or Junior for short. 

Zinger was a very calm whelper.  As I said, she's a champ!
You can get a bunch more puppy pictures off Betty's blog 'cause SHE has the puppies at her house!
OK for now,
The Curmudgeon