Friday, December 29, 2017


Of all the litters we have whelped, all I remember is that the pups would open their eyes on day 13.  These guys started opening their eyes on day 10, December 27!!!  Here it is December 29 and they are opening even more.  These are progressive kids!!

Now, for all those people demanding, pleading, requesting, wanting and dying for more pictures:

The first pictures are of Brigh and her brother, Bryce, in Montana.  Brigh is from the Myshka X Henry litter born Sept. 11, 2017.  Isn't she just the cutest little girl!?  She is at the vets with her bother, Bryce, who is saving his coat to keep warm in Montana.

Here are Reese's puppies.  It is very hard to see eyes, especially when they are sleeping!!!  Isn't that foot CUTE?!!!  Every little part of them is cute, feet, tongues, noses, lips, toes, tails, etc.  The only thing that isn't cute is the whining when mom isn't in the whelping pen and they are hungry.  Mom doesn't let that go on for long, but it is awfully distressing to the humans who have to listen to it.  Kathleen is taking the brunt of it.  She "sleeps" next to them.  I keep worrying about how much real sleep she is getting.  I REALLY worry when she works so late that she gets home at 11:00 PM.  Hawaii is DARK.  Both cars are sure to have sunflower seeds in them to help keep her from falling asleep at night driving home.     

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Learning how to move photos around!!!

Kathleen makes it all so easy!!!!

The first picture is of Brigh, the girl who went to Montana to live with Bryce.  She is doing fabulously there.

The second picture is of Rocky sitting in Charlotte Ware's lap.  He is fitting in there very nicely.  We do love our puppies.

.Reeses, the six new puppies.  See how light in color one of the boys is?  His folks ordered a light colored boy.  Can you believe that Reese came up with one?!!!  Hard to believe, but she DID it!!!

Sometimes Reese has a hard time figuring out which is most important, her balls, or her puppies.  So far, the puppies always win out!
These babies are growing fatter by the day.  Reese is a great mama.

I may be crazy, but I love seeing that tongue wrapped around a nipple.  So sweet.  That is the blue girl, I'm pretty sure.

More later,

Monday, December 18, 2017

December 17, 2017

Big night!

Kathleen was at work and I was home with her dog.  Reese and I were sitting on the couch snuggled like two good friends.  All of a sudden, my pants were wet.   No, I did NOT wet myself.  She had broken her water on the couch and it drained onto me!  I texted Kathleen that puppies were coming.  She called and told me she was leaving work and would be home "soon."  I suggested that she get ice cream on the way home, to feed to Reese, because it gives the moms calcium which they need to help the uterine muscles work best and sugar which gives them plenty of energy.  Kathleen duly went to Mauna Lani Foodland for vanilla ice cream and came out to find she had a flat tire, just when she wanted to HURRY home.  After lots of time and trouble, her brother came down from Waimea to help her and Kathleen got home to see numbers 5 and 6 be born.  We have three of each sex and one of each sex is a blue.  Beautiful. shiny babies, eating away on their mom.  All have gained weight today and were between 4.5 oz and 6.5 oz.  Reese had no problems in hatching her litter in under three hours.  Poor Kathleen got almost NO sleep as she watched her litter all night.  She had trouble staying awake at work today.  Poor kid.

I got to babysit today.  I just made sure that there were no puppies under mom and none wrapped up in the bedding.  Easy day.  Why am I tired?  Old, that is the answer.

Kathleen is trying to name the litter right now.  She is kind of punch drunk and we are laughing hysterically at many of the "names that could be," but won't be.  Laughing helps one live longer, right?!!!  We will live long.

Chip is a doll, Myshka X Henry puppy.  We will have fun.  I need to start training him to do something besides taking treats gently.  He knows his name and comes running nicely, so recall is on its way!!!

Still haven't figured out pictures.  I have to go back to Kit and Christina's for another lesson.

Happy Curmudgeon

Monday, December 11, 2017


Brigh and Rocky are getting on a plane tonight and flying to Seattle.  There two sets of people will pick up their new puppies.  My granddaughter has been here and is going back tonight.  This way, the pups can travel in the cabin and not have to be in the hold.  Tomorrow a lady and her friend from California are coming to get the last girl, Koa.  They will leave the island on the 16th.  That will leave one boy who will stay with me.

Reese is getting ready to have her litter.  Can't believe I'm doing this all over again!!!  This is harder work than one might think!  Reese doesn't want to eat and hasn't for weeks.  This is hard on moms who want their girls to stay healthy.  I think Reese is healthy, but it has been a lot of cajoling, etc. to keep her there.  We started early feeding her triple rations.  Thank goodness we did that.  Kathleen kept remembering how Zinger, Reese's mom, stopped eating.

Still haven't mastered the picture thing.  Maybe when some of the company craziness calms down Kathleen can train me in it.

Curmudgeon time

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Pictures, I hope!

As usual, the computer wins!!!

Kathleen will be home in the next few hours. I'm hoping she can fix my inability to find the pictures. Boo hoo!!!

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Finally--- AGAIN!!!!

So, back in August when I finally got my work computer fixed up by the guy downtown who works on computers, I posted a few blogs.  I also charged up the old MacBook and thought that I was in computer land again.  WRONG!!!!!!  Computers know that I don't like them because they always act up and so they did.  Both of them.  Even Kathleen couldn't fix them.  I finally got so fed up that I ordered a new computer.  A MacBook Pro.  It came yesterday.  Let's see if it can resist driving me crazy.

My new task at the moment is to see if I can put pictures I take on my iPhone onto the computer to put into the blog.  Why would I want to do that?  Because we had a litter of puppies born on September 11, 2017, three boys and two girls, one of each sex is a blue.  They are very cute and sweet.

Ms. Brigh is going to go live with Bryce in Montana.  Her parents have named her Brigh, pronounced Bree.  Grandma Donna and Rick are looking forward to meeting her on Dec. 12th in Seattle before they make the trek back to Montana with their new treasure.

Ms. ???D is going to live in Spokane, WA with her mom, Mary, who is a friend of Terrie and Rich Richey.  Mary and a friend are coming here to get D and will leave on Dec. 16,  Mary fell in love with D's mom, Myshka when Myshka was in Spokane and Coeur dAlene at  dog shows.  She had been wanting a little blue girl of Myshka's and she gets one!!!  She will do obedience, earth dog, barn hunt, etc. with her and may even show her.  It also should be a match made in heaven. (Did I mention that Brigh's daddy is the pastor of a church?)

Trek already went to his new home last Sunday. His dad and mom fell in love with him from the first second they came into the yard.  They have promised me that they will periodically come to the Big Island to visit.  That very much pleases me.  Nice people.

Rocky will fly to Bellingham when Kathleen's best bud goes back home from a week long visit.  Charlotte and Gordon will pick up Rocky, the blue boy, in Bellingham when the Ryans land.  Nobody has to fly in cargo.  Kathleen's daughter and her boyfriend are coming for a quick visit and will take Brigh to the Lewises.

Chip is staying here for awhile after which he will go to Northumberland and live with his daddy, Henry, and the Akenside gang at Lesley Gosling's.  What a sweetie he is!!!  Kathleen has fallen head over heels for him.  He pulls at my heard strings too.

So there.  That is the puppy report.  Reese, Kathleen's girl, is now pregnant by Henry also. Those puppies are due anytime after December 16.  Doesn't look like there are many in there, but if it fulfills the puppy list, that would be good.

OK.  Now to try to figure out how to get my pictures onto this computer so that I can put them on the blog.  That is my goal for the day.  Let's see if this works in getting a blog post out there!


Wednesday, August 23, 2017


We went to the dog shows on Oahu in Aiea last weekend.  Myshka started showing her pregnancy on Friday as we flew over from Kona.  Even though she was starting to show her pregnancy, she still did well at the show taking Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex under a very nice boy that Pam Mizuno shows for Otley. 

Anyway, I am about as excited as can be that we will have puppies in about three to four weeks.

Kathleen arrives in eight days, so it will be FUN, FUN, FUN.  Bryce, my grandson, arrives on the 5th and then leaves the 15th.  Charlotte Ware comes when Kathleen comes, but only stays until the 7th.  Kathleen leaves the 18th, but comes back for good on the 25th.  She will bring back Reese with her on the 18th.  Yippee!!!!

So, that is it for the moment.

The Curmudgeon

Monday, August 7, 2017


I now have my computer back up.  How long has it been?  A long time....

Elwha Border Terriers now live in Hawaii, on the Big Island, in a place called North Kohala.  Nice, rural, warm year round.  What more could a person want? 

The dogs love chasing after the many and various rats, mongoose, egrets, avocados falling from trees, etc.  The curmudgeon loves eating the avocados, even though there are too many when they are ripe and freezing them does not enhance anything.  My tomato garden has been a blessing, and Costco another blessing to have lettuce.  Lettuce does not grow well in the heat in which we now live, but the lemons, limes, lychee, bananas, guavas, lilikoi or passion fruit, breadfruit, etc. grow and produce beautifully.  So much fun to plant, tend and enjoy the amazingly exotic flowers and plants it is hard to describe.  The dogs seem to love working out in the yard with me and I with them. 
I will have to walk around the yard taking pictures to put on the blog.  I can hear the clamber now!

What dogs are here with me?  Pip, my girl.  Loyal to the core.  So far.  Looking good, groomed well and in beautiful form.  Myshka, from Russia, from a REAL Russian, sweet and a ball nut just like Pip is.  No throwing the ball when both are present in the same yard!  Myshka has recently been bred to Henry who arrived from Akenside and Lesley Gosling on May 3, 2017.  Believe it or not, Henry and Myshka are slightly related!  Both are as sweet as they come and I am very eager to see what they can produce.  On September 25, 2017, Reese and Kathleen will move here also and we shall see what Reese and Henry can produce.  They are not related, besides both being Border Terriers!  Reese is yet another ball crazed BT.  Sigh.  Myshka and Henry and I will fly to Oahu Aug. 18 for dog shows in Aiea.  Wish us luck.  Myshka has her majors so only needs points to become a champion.  Henry needs them all.  It will be hard to get championships here as there are very few BTs to build up points.  I am very much hoping that Myshka is pregnant, but also hoping that she will not be showing her pregnancy by the time of the dog shows.  It will be a close call!!!  If she is, I'll just take Henry.  Maybe.

I guess I'd better try to figure out how to get pictures of the dogs and the yard on here so that I am not bombarded with vitriol.  Ha!

Yes, the white pineapples are ripe now.  No, you can't even imagine how good they are!  Yes, I am growing those too.  I forget all the things I am growing. 

So much for today and I am thankful for the computer being back in gear so that I can now bore you with my silliness and pictures, when I can figure it all out.  Finally now know how to get the vacuum to take the dirt off the walls!  How can a vacuum be complex??!!!  I guess that just shows how old and senile I'm becoming....

Curmudgeon time....