Thursday, September 8, 2011

Time to post again!!! Computer troubles, with me, as usual!!!

The puppies are almost all placed.  One girl has stayed with me, Genie.  She will be registered as I Dream of Elwha.  She is my link to my first ever Border Terrier, Tramp.  Her sister, June, looks just like Tramp, but Genie looks like her own mother, Bonnie, just the grizzle version.  Sweet and cute.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Changing of the Guard

Yesterday, right on time, 10:00 AM, Betty and Skip brought the Birthday Crew and Mom, Bonnie, to my house.  They were four weeks old yesterday.  Betty and Skip are either bereft without Bonnie and the puppies or happy to be spending quality time with Zinger teaching her Rally, Tracking, Agility, Obedience, etc. or both happy and sad.  My guess would be both.
The gang has fit in beautifully.  Some of their time is spent in the puppy pen and some in the kitchen on the equipment and some out in the side yard that I mowed for them this morning.  They seem to be having fun.  At about noon yesterday a family who have a Zinger sister came by and socialized the babies.  Those children are two and about five years old.  They, just like my 12 year old granddaughter, had to sit on their bums on the floor so that puppies were not dropped.
The babies tried their mother's food yesterday, at least for a few minutes.  Bonnie seems to be a competitive eater and she didn't give them much time with the kibble.
New dino/terradactyl GoDog toy with chew guard guarding the sleeping babies, waiting to welcome them here.

 Ezra with Cake.  He kept squeaking the toy wanting her to play ball with him.  Two years old.


They were in the yard a bit ago and wore themselves out.  They are sleeping hard now, but they have a hard time with Kate around, getting enough sleep.  She wants to hold them all the time.  As per usual, she has picked the boy as her favorite, so Foster is glorying in his good fortune.  But, the girls go from Kathleen to me and Kathleen's favorite of the moment is whichever one is kissing her.  They all kiss, so it is whichever one she happens to be holding.  Too bad that all the chores are going undone!

Changing of the Guard

Well, four weeks went quickly and the Birthday Bunch came to my house yesterday, right on time, about 10:00 AM.  Betty and Skip are either feeling bereft of Bonnie and the Gang, or relieved, or both.  I know that Betty was looking forward to spending quality time with Zinger, teaching her Rally, Tracking, Agility and Obedience.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Bonnie had her puppies three days ago as you saw.  Then Betty started a blog as she is soooooooo excited and awed by the whole thing.  Her blog is http// so that you can follow her blog.  She is much better at it than I am, for sure!!!
The babies are already getting FAT and Bonnie is a terrific mother.  She doesn't want any of us picking up those babies!  Crud, we might get hungry and eat one!  That is the way she looks at it anyway.  Her instincts are to protect them from everything!  She'll relax soon!
The babies are gaining weight and look like shiny, fat seals.  It is very exciting.
I am going to go to Hawaii this week for about five days.  I will send some pictures when I get back.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Event, June 16th, 2011

When:  June 16, 2011
Time: Dinner time and on
Place: Kaczynski's Living Room
Parents: Bonny and Spot
New Arrivals: 3 females and 1 male puppy to be known in puppyhood as:  the Birthday Bunch
Char - latte   4.5 oz    female grizzle  Border Terrier  in honor of Charlotte Metzler whose birthday is tomorrow, June 17th
Fos    4.25  oz   male blue Border Terrier    in honor of Bonny's human mom's father (Foster) who will be 91 on Monday June 20
Cake   4 oz  female blue  Border Terrier   Cake  - in honor of the birthday week-end
June    3.5 oz female  grizzle Border Terrier    named by Spot's human mom for these special June birthdays
Bonny is very pleased with herself as you can plainly see!
Mother and puppies are doing well!  Bonny is a natural at this "mother" thing!  (Thank goodness!)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 24th

Well, England was wonderful and Lesley Gosling treated me like a queen.  We traveled somewhere almost every day, and I was privileged to meet and hug and walk her Border Terriers and Grace, her Scottish deerhound.  I met a large number of other Border Terriers, some of the ones I only get to see in the Border Terrier Annual that Alan Hedges puts out every year.  That was FANTASTIC!  Lesley judged 226 Border Terriers in ONE day!  There were some beautiful BTs there too, let me tell you that!
I made a connection to get sperm sent over "the pond" from a very nice boy. That will be for Kat's next heat, and that is thanks to Lesley.  This may be the start of something very nice, this capability to have puppies fathered by UK males!  I'm excited.
The people I met in England were unbelievably nice.  I now see why people who are in the know tell me that they would live in England in a heartbeat!  I should have taken more pictures than I did, but the flowers were gorgeous, the weather couldn't have been better and the ewes had delivered their lambs so I was in heaven, listening to them baa and spying them and their antics!
We went to Falkirk to see the Falkirk wheel and it is fantastic!  It is utilitarian and also a work of art.  I will include pictures of it when I get the pictures up. 

If anyone is going to go over to the north part of England make sure that you check out a web site called What's Special About.  It has on it CDs that one puts into their car or onto an iPod and it narrates the drive with all kinds of historical references, etc.  It is really great!  I ordered mine before I went over and I'm glad that I did.  I got to listen to them without being on the drive and then again on the drive, so I knew what to expect.  Only way to go.

Pip and Ono are growing up and are wonderful.  Pip is a pistol as well as a lover.  Ono is going to be an obedience dog, he heels so perfectly. Primarily, he will be a show dog, but maybe the breeder will learn how to train an obedience dog!
I may have lost my England pictures....  Keep your fingers crossed that they turn up.  I just may not know how to put them on the computer using a foreign photo card.  I don't know!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I haven't told you Annie's puppies names and why I gave them these puppy/baby names.  These are usually NOT the names they carry through life. 
The biggest girl has a little white spot on her lower lip.  I call her Milklip.  The little girl is darker and I call her Chocolip.  They are both careful little girls, like Sting.  Just a tiny bit timid, not bad, and they do well.  They are actually good as they won't jump in without looking, yet they are not scaredy cats!  They do go and have fun, etc.
The boys are Thinker, Veeb or Veeber, Speck and Flame.  These names all have to do with the white spot on their chests.

The kids are going outside regularly now, at least when it isn't raining too hard.  We have had a lot of rain lately, but they get out daily.  The grass is growing faster than they are.  Sometimes I wonder if I'll lose them!  Just kidding.
My camera has been not focusing, so these were taken by Kathleen's camera.  I'll see what I can do this week and this coming weekend to get some good ones myself.  I need to find the camera "rule" book!  Don't hold your breath, but keep your fingers crossed!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Finally, more pictures!

Let's see.  We went to the dog show in Bremerton today, but didn't show any dogs as there were no majors.  We did though have health tests done as we do every year at this show.  Usually they just offer CERF there, but this year they had a cardiologist  too!  Bonus!!!!  Indie and Bonnie had their hearts checked, this time by a cardiologist, and Indie, Bonnie, Kat and Touille had their eyes checked.  Everyone passed with flying colors. 
Tuesday Touille and Bonnie have their permanent hip X-rays done and Indie his official preliminary hip X-rays done.  When I took him in before he was a year old, the vet, who takes dozens of hip X-rays a week, and his tech, got more excited than I have ever seen them get.  Indie had the best hip X-rays they had EVER seen in any breed.  They were just about jumping up and down, they were so excited.  We'll see what they are like on Tuesday.  Hopefully the same.  It made me wonder if youth had anything to do with it, but that has not been my experience to date.  Keep your fingers crossed!
The babies are having fun in the kitchen now.  They are now "big kids" since they are now five weeks old today.  They play on the wobble toys, moving equipment, etc.  They play/growl/fight like the terriers they are!  They wag their tails a lot too.  They love to pile in my lap.  This is one SWEET litter, not surprisingly as Annie is so sweet and Indie is not far behind.

The Kat litter just keeps getting prettier and prettier.  Iki is now "Fancy."  Ono is still Ono, and Pip is still Pip.  I think that they will keep those names, despite Pip being a male nickname for Philip.  It means other things too, and I like some of the other connotations, even if she is a female!  Mum or Mim or Nikin is now Penny.  I am teaching them all their call names.
Annie's kids have their teeth and are starting to eat soaked kibble.  They aren't using their teeth a whole lot as they don't try to eat my toes yet.  They will.
As it gets warmer, we will go outside more.  Annie's crew are only going out when I carry them, at this point.  Pip, Ono, Fancy and Penny go out many times a day when I am home.  Nancy was here with them today and they had fun going in and out.
The spring flowers are starting to flash their colors around.  Yesssssss!  Spring HERE is beautiful. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The First Day of Spring

Today was supposed to rock and roll, and it was supposed to be sunny and warm.  None of those things happened, but we did go outside a good bit, including one of Annie's babies in my arms. The day isn't over yet.  It IS too late to be sunny, but the laundry on the line did, for the most part, get dry.  The quake could still happen, but maybe we'll be lucky!

All of these pictures were taken today.  I don't know if I got their faces well enough for Janie, but I will keep trying.  Maybe I can remember at work to get someone to hold them for me and take pictures that way.  I have not mastered holding the puppy and taking the picture at the same time.  I have hardly managed typing!  You don't know how many mistakes I've erased!!!!
Hopefully we will have no earthquakes and no tsunamis and these guys will grow up to be one of your friends.
PS.  Elwha's Harta Gold, Dansa's "brother" earned his TD today.  That means he passed his tracking dog test.  That is something about which to be PROUD.  He and his mother have gotten him way too many to count titles, and I'm sure he will get more, as will Dansa, Stings talented sister who has a very talented mom/trainer/handler!  CONGRATULATIONS Harta and Heather, the Campbell River, BC team.  I think that Harta must have gotten over getting a puppy if he got his TD today!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Today it is raining. At least it isn't snowing.

Annie's puppies will be two weeks old tomorrow.  Poor Annie still has the squirting diarrhea and a raw bum.  I am trying all foods and all sorts of therapies on her.  Pepto Bismol, Acidophilus, cheese, no cheese, whatever she will eat, which is hit and miss.  Sometimes she will even eat dog food, sometimes only what I am eating.  Today she ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, salmon treats for lunch and dog food for dinner, but wouldn't eat any of those at any other time.  It is hard reading her mind.  All that being said, the puppies are fat and healthy.  Since they were taken a day or two early, they have not opened their eyes yet, but they seem to be fine otherwise.  I suspect they will open their eyes in a day or two.

They can crawl after their mother faster than they used to be able to do that.  They latch onto the nipples faster too.  None of this fumbling around!
I keep hoping that some of these kids look like Annie's daddy, my second Border Terrier, CJ.  I can see their own daddy in some of them.  Annie has a cute face.  Maybe some of them will look like her, and she looks like her daddy!
Kat's kids are growing up.  They are running and jumping on the wobble board, jumping up onto the Bosu ball now and riding the skateboard.  They play with the toys on springs and seem to be trying to figure out why the toys wobble back and forth!  They love that crackly cat tunnel they have and run through it and the tunnel Louis made them when strung end to end.  They seem fearless at the moment and bark and growl at each other non stop in the kitchen, but have learned to be quiet at the office.  Big kids....

I do love this age.  They continue to nurse, of course, until mom weans them, but mom doesn't for awhile.  At this age while they nurse their ears go back a certain way that shows how HAPPY they are.  It melts my heart.
Sting is playing with the Kat puppies, but every once in awhile gets a bit exuberant.  When that happens she gets to spend some crate time as she still isn't safe to be let loose in the rest of the house.
She is the athlete and is up on everything, walking along the downed tree in the yard, along the tunnels, etc.  She is amazing on the Bosu ball.  I need to start training her sit, stand, down and beg.  She takes her Star Puppy test on Tuesday.  You should see her on loose lead walking!  She does the figure 8 and will go down an entire line of cones weaving in and out and all on a loose lead.  She is a winner!
People coming this weekend to see puppies, people who want one of these.  Should be fun.
More sometime!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Saturday, Jan. 26

The gang are loving the kitchen.  They OWN it now and think that they are big kids and should be able to go in and out of the doors whenever said doors open!
They received a new toy today, a crackly cat tunnel.  They LOVE it!  What terriers they are!
For dinner, besides mom's milk, they ate some softened kibble and then the scrambled eggs and chile leftovers from this morning.  They didn't bat an eye eating that chile, but I did!  It made me sweat!
These guys are already SMART!  They figure out how to do things and are bold and confident doing them too.  They have figured out tunnels, wobble boards, the skateboard, and the upturned Bosu ball.  That is the hard one since they are still so small.  It helps when the old curmudgeon puts a towel or other climbing device on it.  Then it is JUST right for playing king of the mountain!  Soooo much fun.
Auntie Caroline is here and taking pictures.  She will get us some great ones to put on the blog, maybe tomorrow.
No, I haven't put them out in the snow.  That would be cruel and unusual punishment!  They will have time next winter for snow.  Now Sting, on the other hand, loves the snow.  She goes out with Grandma Kat and Uncle Indie and they play and run and bark and feel their oats out there.  The curmudgeon just wishes that it would melt!
Annie still has her horrid diarrhea, but she is nursing those babies like a champ.  In, out and nurse.  She is eating a bit better each day and the babies are thriving.  Even the tiny girl who lost weight at first, is gaining now.  She has had much special handling, but it is paying off.  Annie doesn't understand why she has had 1000%-20,000% more baths in the last five days than in her entire life!  I am using a tablespoon of Corona Ointment on her bottom each time after washing her.  Poor thing.  She is eating more and better, more at her will than at my will.  Thank goodness.
More tomorrow, hopefully.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Puppies galore!

Ellen brought Annie and her puppies here because Annie had a bit of a hard time.  One of the little girls is not gaining as she should be.  So, they are here now and Mama Curmudgeon is stuffing her face with a nipple, Annie's, whenever she falls asleep or one of the others knocks her off!
It is a blizzard outside on and off.  When it is off, the sun shines.  Silly weather.
I hear squeaks.  It is time to hover.

Daddy day

I am putting three You Tube sites onto the blog so that, if you would like to see BB in his smartness and how he was doing in the beginning of his cut-short-early-agility career, you can.  The first is Terrie playing with him teaching him a trick.  The other two are his runs, before he ran into the porcupine!  Enjoy!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Another red letter day

The babies got to spend a bit of time in the KITCHEN like big dogs.  They were in there with their mother, and they were a tiny bit nervous since it was so big and so different, but they warmed up to it quickly and just as quickly wore themselves out.  They had a bit of moosh and are now snoozing very soundly, like the big kids they are!  They are very cute and they do look like their mama when she was a tiny one.
The old curmudgeon is tired but maybe improving slightly from the horrid cold....
Fingers crossed,

The day after

Well, the word from Ellen is that the day old puppies are doing well and have plenty of milk to eat.  I have no new pictures of them yet, so will put pictures of the other guys up.  We were out in the cold front yard for a bit, long enough to get me coughing and get my nose to start pouring again.  Such is life with a BAD cold.  It is BEAUTIFUL out there today though.
Bzzz goes to his new home in Southern California on Tuesday to be a show and agility dog.  He is so sweet and beautiful I will miss him.
Sting is beautiful too, so it is OK.  I will have her and will try to get myself into gear to train her to put her toys into the toy box.  Sue Young told me exactly how to do it!