Thursday, September 5, 2013

'Bout Time!!!

So, the babies switched houses a week ago and this is my first post.  I'm an abysmal failure!

I have been painting the floor of the porch so that I can FINALLY move in and use it as part of the house.  It was painted the first part of August and when we got back from Canada and started walking on that cafe au lait colored floor, I soon discovered that it wasn't a great idea to have it one color.  So, I've been camoflaging for dirt, etc.  I have to get it done before it gets cold, had to wait after last winter as it was still too cold for the first layer to be put on, now I'm doing the "decorating."  I had something in mind and when that couldn't happen because they don't make what I thought they did, I modified brushes and am painting two other colors on the bottom color, then sprinkling on flecks.  It is working!  I'm pleased.

So, that is my excuse.  I'm overwhelmed!  When I'm not working on the porch or feeding dogs or washing laundry that piles up with puppies, I'm sitting on the floor playing with them or watching for hawks, eagles and owls who might be trying to swoop them up when I have them outside.  Another excuse!  I'm pretty good at excuses, aren't I?

These babies are certainly cute and sweet, but I think that about every litter.  I just LOVE cuddling with them!  How could one not love it?!

Mai has been playing with them for the last three days and she PLAYS with exuberance!  Zinger, who was wondering if she could hide from them is now joining in.  Watching the process makes my heart sing.  These kids think that they are big dogs even when they are still not yet six weeks old.  They DID turn six weeks old on Sunday, so now they KNOW that they are big kids. 

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