Friday, March 4, 2016


So, the house is a mess, boxes and clutter everywhere.  Leaving for Hawaii in September, after I get to see my friend from England.  Yes, the dogs will go with me.  Meanwhile, we will have puppies at the end of April.  Zinger's last litter.  Maybe we'll have a Pip litter too.  We'll see about that one.

Pip is doing well in NoseWork as are Zinger, Myshka, and Coug.  Pip is ready for NW3 (and I wish I were,) Zinger is ready for NW2, and Myshka and Coug are ready to be introduced to scent.  Myshka is going to be another crazy Pip, and Coug is going to be another careful, or more careful, Jeri.  Can't get enough, none of us.  We will practice with Sherilyn and Nancy this afternoon, even though we are supposed to get up to five inches of rain today!!!!!  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Pip gets into one of two NW3 trials coming up.

I just got a new car for Hawaii, a white Prius, like millions of other Priuses out there.  I will enjoy the good gasoline mileage I'll get and I will like all the "apps" the car has, like telling me if there is a car in my blind spot, etc.  Don't want any accidents with my precious babies in the car!!!

So, no pictures today, unless you want old ones.  "Soon" I'll put up pictures of PUPPIES!!!

Don't get too wet and stay warmtoday!

The Curmudgeon

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