Monday, December 18, 2017

December 17, 2017

Big night!

Kathleen was at work and I was home with her dog.  Reese and I were sitting on the couch snuggled like two good friends.  All of a sudden, my pants were wet.   No, I did NOT wet myself.  She had broken her water on the couch and it drained onto me!  I texted Kathleen that puppies were coming.  She called and told me she was leaving work and would be home "soon."  I suggested that she get ice cream on the way home, to feed to Reese, because it gives the moms calcium which they need to help the uterine muscles work best and sugar which gives them plenty of energy.  Kathleen duly went to Mauna Lani Foodland for vanilla ice cream and came out to find she had a flat tire, just when she wanted to HURRY home.  After lots of time and trouble, her brother came down from Waimea to help her and Kathleen got home to see numbers 5 and 6 be born.  We have three of each sex and one of each sex is a blue.  Beautiful. shiny babies, eating away on their mom.  All have gained weight today and were between 4.5 oz and 6.5 oz.  Reese had no problems in hatching her litter in under three hours.  Poor Kathleen got almost NO sleep as she watched her litter all night.  She had trouble staying awake at work today.  Poor kid.

I got to babysit today.  I just made sure that there were no puppies under mom and none wrapped up in the bedding.  Easy day.  Why am I tired?  Old, that is the answer.

Kathleen is trying to name the litter right now.  She is kind of punch drunk and we are laughing hysterically at many of the "names that could be," but won't be.  Laughing helps one live longer, right?!!!  We will live long.

Chip is a doll, Myshka X Henry puppy.  We will have fun.  I need to start training him to do something besides taking treats gently.  He knows his name and comes running nicely, so recall is on its way!!!

Still haven't figured out pictures.  I have to go back to Kit and Christina's for another lesson.

Happy Curmudgeon

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