Friday, March 1, 2013

OK. Worth the read, believe it or not!!!!

Two pictures below!!!!!  
Read to the end.  Do NOT vaccinate for leptospirosis!

By Dr. Becker
Canine leptospirosis, “lepto” for short, is an infection caused by at least four species of Leptospira bacteria, or serovars. We know there are actually over 20 different serovars in existence that could potentially infect dogs and hundreds of non-pathogenic serovars.
Leptospira are found in both domesticated and wild animals, and the main carriers of the bacteria are rats, pigs, raccoons, cattle, fox, skunks and opossums.

More Cases of Leptospirosis are Being Reported

In recent years there has been an increase in canine lepto cases, probably due to better diagnostic testing methods and not necessarily because more infections are occurring.
It’s important to understand that while leptospirosis is not a new disease, the number of cases being reported is likely increasing because humans are encroaching more and more into natural habitats – which means family pets are coming in contact with wildlife known to harbor the bacteria. In addition, we also have better diagnostics these days with which to diagnose the disease.

How the Bacteria is Transmitted

Leptospira bacteria are transmitted through urine that contaminates water sources and can remain infectious in soil for up to six months. Dogs pick up the bacteria through a cut or break in the skin when they come in contact with contaminated water or soil, or when they drink contaminated water.
Dogs most at risk for leptospirosis are those that spend a lot of time in the water or in areas that get rain or snow runoff, as well as dogs that drink from puddles or ponds.

Symptoms of Leptospirosis

Many dogs with mild lepto infections never show any symptoms at all. Generally speaking, young dogs tends tend to get sicker than older dogs.
Clinical signs depend on the age and health of the dog, environmental factors affecting the bacteria, and the virulence of the particular species (serovar) of bacteria that is present.
When symptoms do occur they usually appear between 4 and 12 days after exposure to the bacteria, and can include fever, muscle pain, vomiting and diarrhea, loss of appetite, lethargy, depression, and blood in the urine.
A lepto infection primarily affects the kidneys and liver, so in serious cases, there can be jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes. In dogs, it is usually most obvious in the whites of the eyes. Jaundice indicates the presence of hepatitis (liver inflammation) as a result of the destruction of liver cells by the bacteria.
Blood clotting problems can also develop, which can result in blood in the stool and bleeding from the tissues of the mouth. In rare cases, leptospirosis can also cause respiratory distress and acute pulmonary (lung) hemorrhage.

Treating Leptospirosis

Some dogs exposed to lepto recover without medical treatment because they never show overt symptoms. Unfortunately, an untreated dog who recovers from the infection can become a carrier and shed the bacteria in urine for up to a year. The risk here is that lepto can be zoonotic – meaning humans who come in contact with infected dog urine are at risk of acquiring the infection.
In most cases, a lepto infection causes symptoms, and hopefully, those symptoms will prompt the dog’s owner to get him to a veterinarian. Dogs that become seriously ill with leptospirosis must be hospitalized to receive antibiotics and appropriate supportive care to control vomiting and diarrhea, and to provide hydration and nutrition.
Dogs with milder infections can be managed at home as long as the owner takes appropriate hygiene precautions when cleaning up urine. If your dog has lepto and anyone in your family develops flu-like symptoms, it’s important that you inform your family physician that a leptospirosis infection is a possibility.

Minimizing Your Pet’s Risk of Infection … and When to Call the Vet

Leptospira bacteria love warm humid climates and are often found in stagnant water. As I mentioned earlier, wild animals can also harbor the bacteria, so dogs exposed to potentially contaminated water sources or wild animals are at much greater risk of developing an infection than city dogs. Infection is most common in the summer months, the early fall, and during periods of flooding.
At home you can reduce the risk of infection by safely controlling the rodent population in and around your home. If you happen to live where lepto infections are very common, it’s important to keep your pet away from ponds, slow moving water, and standing or stagnant water.
That being said, I have a warm, stagnant cesspool of a pond that wildlife love to come and visit, and my dogs love to swim in every day during the summer. I’m pretty sure my own pack has been exposed to lepto bacteria, but because I keep their immune systems healthy and stay very alert for any symptoms of infection, I’m not overly concerned. This is also the advice I give to my clients.
If you have a very healthy dog who suddenly has a fever, grows lethargic, perhaps is urinating excessively or is urinating bright fresh blood, you need to call your veterinarian immediately and get your pet in for a lepto test. Leptospirosis is a totally treatable bacterial infection -- it’s only when a diagnosis isn’t made early enough that dogs suffer unnecessarily.
OK.  This is the Old Curmudgeon speaking.  Dr. Ronald Schultz says, as I understand it, not to vaccinate for lepto because if one does, and if there is cross reaction to the serovar your dog may have, that the dog will be partially immune only.  A partially immune dog will shed the bacteria and YOU might catch it.  It could destroy your kidneys and cause jaundice before you know what you have.  Not worth the risk.  It is even better for the dog to be sicker so that one can know it is sick and treat it!
One of the dogs that lived in my house once and now lives elsewhere had it.  His family says that a civet cat was in their garage and sprayed.  Radar then became ill after exploring the garage and that skunk-y smell.  He stopped eating and was "punk."  The whites of his eyes turned red and that, along with the other symptoms, is what alerted the vet to know he had Leptospirosis.  He was cured very shortly after being started on antibiotics.  He had no after effects.  No human became sick.  Good outcome.

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