Saturday, February 24, 2018

Puppies had first vaccination

That was on the 19th.  They did well.  I ONLY allow them to get Merial DAP.  It is the best and safest vaccine for Distemper, Parvovirus and dog hepatitis, Adenovirus.  The other vaccines have adjuvants in them, chemicals that jazz up the immune system so much that many more dogs now are developing autoimmune diseases.  I try to get my puppy people to only use vets who will use Merial DAP on their babies.  We had also inserted a microchip into each one about ten days or so ago.  Now they are ready to travel.  I use the ISO microchips, that is, the ones that foreign countries honor.  They are set!

The vet found no heart murmurs or anything else bad in the babies, thank goodness.  The heaviest one, Pretty Boy Floyd, weighed a pound more than the smallest one, Tootsie Roll Pop.

Getting ready!
They were wormed once, now the process is starting over again.

We took them to the Farmers' Market today and walked around with them in bags.  We also had a family with a dog visit this AM.  The puppies were terrified of Cooper.  Bad.  This is a fear period.  I need to get them out even more.  I will start taking them downtown and walking around with them and to the bank, etc.  Harder in a TINY town.

Henry is getting over having his teeth cleaned.  Poor guy.  He had some bits of inflammation in there and is doing well now on antibiotics for a bit.  Mouths are more delicate than we give them credit.  The vet suggested something called 1-TDC.  (ONE-TDC). I'm going to try it on all of them daily.  She said it seems even better than brushing their teeth daily!!!

Henry had a good week the week before his teeth cleaning.  He was allowed to make puppies one more time.  He again was bred to Myshka.  I want a Myshka X Henry girl puppy.  Chip has stayed here so that he can go to the UK in September.  When we breed, we are actually breeding for ourselves.  I want one to keep for us!  I would have kept a girl last time Myshka and Henry mated, but I also know how hard it is to have two puppies at once.  They bond to each other and not to us and they are MUCH harder to train if there are two.  I'm too old and tired for that.

Rainy, windy day today.  The pups were out for quite some time, but it seemed to me that the deluge would soon start, so they are inside now.  Seems they needed a nap!  They are all asleep.

OK for now.  Pictures soon.

Curmudgeonly a Rat!

Hiking Pololu

Once a day, one of the dogs and I are going down to the bottom of Pololu and back up.  I am energized to do this crazy and wonderful thing because we might have the chance in April to go to Lehua Island to try to finally obliterate the rats there who eat the eggs, adult endangered birds and their foods, the seeds that help sustain them.  The agency that takes care of the birds had dropped rat poison on the island and that took care of most of the rats, but surveillance cameras revealed two, at least, left and there was a worry that the poison may have killed some fish around the island.  So, the terriers may have to clean up the last of the Mohicans, er, rats.  Keep your fingers crossed.  If we get to do that and succeed, we may get to go to other islands that have problems such as that.  The curmudgeon might accidentally get happy and ecstatic!!!!  Aren't we glad that we have working dogs?!!!  I certainly am.  These rascals have been killing rats since we moved in.  I don't know if it helps.  The rats seem to be able to keep up with the loss of their cousins.  The ones I see are quite fat and healthy looking.  They go after the macadamia nuts and the avocados at night when the dogs are inside.  No, I can't let the dogs stay out at night.  That is when the Bufo toads run amuck.  If dogs bite them or just get them in their mouths, they usually die, the dogs, that is.  The toads give off some horrid poison from their skin.  Few dogs survive something like that.

The hiking is because the island is a mountain or cliff sticking up out of the water and the other person going is much younger than the old curmudgeon.  How could I let her beat me up and down those cliffs?!!!!  Not.

So, where are the pictures?  I'll get some, soon.  I still don't know how to get them onto the computer in a way that makes it even kind of easy to put them on the blog. I guess that I am just lazy.  I want it to be EASY, darn it!Kathleen took some picots a few days ago.Pretty cute, no?!!!Pip thinks this Barn hunt stuff is just the cat's meow!!!Reese is teaching Chip how to climb a tree to get a mouse.  Here she is after her ball, but that night, she DID climb a tree to get a mouse.  We watched her!!!  She had a ton of fun.

So much for us.  Latersville,,,,,

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Curmudgeonly lazy or busy or whatever

Not on for awhile.  Bad Curmudgeon!!!

The puppies are very cute and sweet.  A dog trainer in Canada wanted one and wanted a LIGHT colored one.  How often does that happen, that we get very light-colored puppies?!!!!  We knew the minute Tanner was born that he would be a light one.  He has turned out quite light in color, hence the name Tanner.  What a looker!  Such a cute boy.  I think that he ought to be registered as Elwha's Special Order!

The other kids are all much darker and just as cute.  Tomorrow is the day we evaluate them and decide who goes where.  They have been promised for quite some time now, but who knows if anyone will back out at the last minute.  It happens.

One of my brothers is here from New Mexico.  I gave him a bunch of avocados.  He, as did my sister, got tired of them.  He's only been here a week.  Can you imagine that?!!!  Can you imagine a three pound avocado?  I pick up well over two pound avocados almost daily, during avocado season.  No wonder I'm chubby!

The dogs try to beat me to the avocados.  Supposedly, avocados are poisonous to dogs.  Actually, it is the pit and the peel that are poisonous.  Unfortunately, it is hard to keep the dogs slim when the avocados are in season.  They, and the rats, compete with me to get to them.  I try to discourage the rats, and try to keep the dogs slim, so I keep picking them up and handing them out to friends and neighbors.  Hard to keep slim eating avocados in paradise!

All of these puppies are going to the mainland.  People come and stay with us or go on vacation and take their baby back with them at the end of the vacation.  No puppies, so far, have had to travel cargo. There are enough people going to the mainland who aren't buying a puppy who will carry one back for us to deliver so that it hasn't been a problem. Amazing!!!!

There, a picture for you!!!  Isn't that what you wanted?!!!!!
OK.  Here goes.Aren't they a bit big to still be feeding off mom?!!  They don't think so!Later,