Saturday, February 10, 2018

Curmudgeonly lazy or busy or whatever

Not on for awhile.  Bad Curmudgeon!!!

The puppies are very cute and sweet.  A dog trainer in Canada wanted one and wanted a LIGHT colored one.  How often does that happen, that we get very light-colored puppies?!!!!  We knew the minute Tanner was born that he would be a light one.  He has turned out quite light in color, hence the name Tanner.  What a looker!  Such a cute boy.  I think that he ought to be registered as Elwha's Special Order!

The other kids are all much darker and just as cute.  Tomorrow is the day we evaluate them and decide who goes where.  They have been promised for quite some time now, but who knows if anyone will back out at the last minute.  It happens.

One of my brothers is here from New Mexico.  I gave him a bunch of avocados.  He, as did my sister, got tired of them.  He's only been here a week.  Can you imagine that?!!!  Can you imagine a three pound avocado?  I pick up well over two pound avocados almost daily, during avocado season.  No wonder I'm chubby!

The dogs try to beat me to the avocados.  Supposedly, avocados are poisonous to dogs.  Actually, it is the pit and the peel that are poisonous.  Unfortunately, it is hard to keep the dogs slim when the avocados are in season.  They, and the rats, compete with me to get to them.  I try to discourage the rats, and try to keep the dogs slim, so I keep picking them up and handing them out to friends and neighbors.  Hard to keep slim eating avocados in paradise!

All of these puppies are going to the mainland.  People come and stay with us or go on vacation and take their baby back with them at the end of the vacation.  No puppies, so far, have had to travel cargo. There are enough people going to the mainland who aren't buying a puppy who will carry one back for us to deliver so that it hasn't been a problem. Amazing!!!!

There, a picture for you!!!  Isn't that what you wanted?!!!!!
OK.  Here goes.Aren't they a bit big to still be feeding off mom?!!  They don't think so!Later,

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