Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31

We had a great weekend and yesterday.

Saturday we went to our local dog show and Ono took his second major.  Zinger then went on to take the breed over an already champion.  Then she went on to take a Group II.  That was very exciting.  Ono didn't even take his class the next day and Zinger only beat the only other girl for one point.  She has majors to spare, so I'm not worried.  She will finish her next show most likely as she only needs one or two points.  She is VERY nice.

The puppies all have homes assigned.  Zipper/Sherlock has already flown, FIRST CLASS,  to Chicago to live with Jill and her Borders and Belgian Tervurens (and husband.)  Zip got to sleep in bed with Jill and her husband last night and I totally agree that that is the BEST way to start a new puppy out.  I put mine in a soft crate/"Sherpa bag" and when the puppy gets restless, I hear it move and I then take it out to eliminate immediately.  They quickly learn to "go" outside.  Jill seems to me to be someone who has read a lot of the same things I have read or something.  We do a lot of the same things it seems.  Zip will now probably be Tigger.  I have always thought that every other BT should be named that!!!  It has been on my short list for a long time.  I tend to name mine one syllable names though lately.  Maybe I'm lazy.

Connie may be called Abby.  They are still debating.  I have a bunch of puppies I've placed who are named Abby.  I think it is a very popular name.  She will live in Snohomish.

Morse and Lightening will go to homes in Idaho and Seattle.  The Seattle boy will be named Trekker.  Kind of a nice ring to that.  No idea what the other one will be called.  Nor what Drew will be called.  He will go down to Southern California.  His name may end up being Michael, for Michael Phelps.  The Dame will be a show pup and has the attitude to die for.  What a cute puppy.  I love her.

I'm sorry about the lack of pictures.  I have been twelve hours on the road since Sunday and am tired from all the hullabaloo!  Excuses, excuses!!!  Tomorrow probably.

Hugs from a tired, lazy, cantankerous, happy curmudgeon....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Six weeks old today!!!

They've made it to six weeks, or I've made it to six weeks!  The necks are starting to show.  Drives a curmudgeon to distraction when they look like they have no neck when they are just fat little balls!!!  I think that we have some nice dogs in this litter.  Still have my fingers crossed.

Leaving tomorrow for a meeting until Sunday.  Probably won't be posting until Monday, if then, as I'll have to catch up Monday.  Nancy taking care of the babies while I'm gone.  Poor lady, all that puppy holding.  (and poop and pee.)
Shoulder improving.  Thank goodness for Aleve.  Apparently it is a much better anti inflammatory than iburprofen!  I didn't know that.  Now I do. 
The Cantankerous Curmudgeon

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Darn teeth anyway!!!  They have them and use them sometimes, on me.  Feet.
Personalities are coming out more and more.  Dame has stolen my heart, mainly because she runs to me as fast as her little body can whenever I am near.  How does one resist that, I'd like to know?!  To be PICKED!!!!  I will NOT let it go to my head though.  She will have to prove herself in the conformation arena before I get to keep her!!!!
I am seeing some awfully nice stacks sometimes.  Keep those fingers crossed!!! 
It is funny to me how all of a sudden the puppies can, and sometimes do, change their look.  Zipper/Sherlock has gotten sleek.  He is going to have one of those fantastic coats that is easy to keep, like his mom, and Kathy says, like his dad.  OK by me!
We have been spending hours outside each day.  The puppies love it.  They play, play, play, then crash.  When they crash, we go in and I get work done, then when they get up, I take them back out and get nothing done except puppy lovin'.  Hard job, but somebody has to do it.
Was kind of a house afire last Sunday and pulled a muscle or something in my right shoulder.  I am hurting, but, luckily, puppies don't weigh much!!!  It just makes me the cantankerous curmudgeon.  I'll get over it!  My doctor tells me that Aleve is the thing!
Will try to find the pictures I put on here.  Hard sometimes....

 Can't find the rest.  Tomorrow....