Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Darn teeth anyway!!!  They have them and use them sometimes, on me.  Feet.
Personalities are coming out more and more.  Dame has stolen my heart, mainly because she runs to me as fast as her little body can whenever I am near.  How does one resist that, I'd like to know?!  To be PICKED!!!!  I will NOT let it go to my head though.  She will have to prove herself in the conformation arena before I get to keep her!!!!
I am seeing some awfully nice stacks sometimes.  Keep those fingers crossed!!! 
It is funny to me how all of a sudden the puppies can, and sometimes do, change their look.  Zipper/Sherlock has gotten sleek.  He is going to have one of those fantastic coats that is easy to keep, like his mom, and Kathy says, like his dad.  OK by me!
We have been spending hours outside each day.  The puppies love it.  They play, play, play, then crash.  When they crash, we go in and I get work done, then when they get up, I take them back out and get nothing done except puppy lovin'.  Hard job, but somebody has to do it.
Was kind of a house afire last Sunday and pulled a muscle or something in my right shoulder.  I am hurting, but, luckily, puppies don't weigh much!!!  It just makes me the cantankerous curmudgeon.  I'll get over it!  My doctor tells me that Aleve is the thing!
Will try to find the pictures I put on here.  Hard sometimes....

 Can't find the rest.  Tomorrow....

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