Monday, July 2, 2012

On Down the Road

Yes, I took LOTS of pictures this weekend, with the babies down on the floor, learning to ice skate on hardwood.  No, I didn't bring the camera to work!  Dang curmudgeons anyway!!!!

The babies have teeth now, try to get to their mother's food before she does or while she does, and are becoming very social. 

They started out their on-the-floor life next to the puppy pen on a dog throw scattered with toys.  They loved it and went back and forth every little while from the floor to the pen.  (Somehow they magically flew in and out!)  That was Saturday.

Sunday they migrated to the kitchen.  That overwhelmed them a bit.  Betty and Elaine came over and sat on the floor with me and them.  The rats just migrated to me and fell asleep in my lap.  Betty and Elaine went home.  They did get their puppy fix though, so it wasn't as bad as it sounds, but the babies are still awfully young.  They like the smaller guinea pig X-pen than the entire kitchen, but will soon want the kitchen and the great outdoors.  Just wait!!! 

I have a new set of protection from eagles up in the side/puppy yard now, "gazebos."  Costco special!!!!  Whew!!!  Still too soon to go out there with them yet, but it will help me not have nightmares when it is time to take them out.  They still won't be out alone, but I was afraid that a raptor would swoop in while I was out there even.  They certainly didn't seem to be afraid of me with the last litter.

Speaking of the last litter, one of them may have torn her miniscus.  Don't let puppies jump from any high or even semi-high place!  They can fall on an extremity incorrectly and hurt themselves badly.  In agility classes, instructors do not let puppies jump off ANYTHING until long after their first birthday, preferably not until after their eighteen month birthday.  That is why they call it "FLATWORK."  Very, very important.

The puppies get more loving day by day.  They lick me a lot now.  Puppy breath kisses.  That is what keeps an old curmudgeon going!!

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