Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wag more, bark less

Well, yesterday I noticed that Kat's babies started wagging their tails.  Let me tell you, they are the cutest things in the world wagging their tails.  Sweet, sweet, sweet.  Unfortunately, I can't take a picture of them wagging their tails.  But, your mind can make that tail wag and then you can see those cute little tails wagging.
They continue to be nuzzlers and lick my earlobes.  Tough duty, but someone has to take it on.  I am letting them out of the pen and onto the floor more and more all the time.  They are silly though and then they mostly just snuggle on my lap.
What are they doing as I write this?  Barking at each other, playing that is.

I just got word that Annie had her litter, three girls and three boys, all grizzle.  Now, no more puppies for a long time!  Annie and Indie were bred because I wanted puppies from him before he goes to England to try to become a British champion and make British babies.  I needed to make sure he can make puppies and that those puppies are going to be good.
And, why were the two previous litters bred, you ask?  It was to save their daddy's genes.  Daddy ran into a porcupine last April and it ran a quill into his heart and it tore holes in two of his heart valves, causing him to be in congestive heart failure.  We had to capture his genes and the puppies he has made are beautiful, correct and have great personalities!  Thank goodness we captured some of those genes.
So there!

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