So what does that have to do with anything? I don't know. Probably nothing. Doesn't explain why I left my cell phone plugged in at home so can't put the pictures I wanted to put onto the blog today. Boogers!!!
I hurt them again today. I put their microchips in. My office manager, who trained and worked as a vet tech, helped, with trepidation. Now she is convinced that we need to do it early every time. They were very good and didn't seem to bat an eye, except for the last boy done, Percy. Most did not complain at all. Of course, I assuaged my conscience by injecting them with a bit of lidocaine, numbing agent, first. I HATE hurting them. I'm still tied in knots over it and my blood pressure is probably in the dangerous region. Maybe a glass of wine after Nosework class tonight is in order.
These microchips are ISO chips, meaning that they can go to Canada, Australia, England, etc. and the chips will be able to be read. Took me a long time to find the right ones, and now everyone is selling them!
The babies are doing well after their ordeal. Nursing to beat the band. One of them even has his bum end over his mother's back with his head pointing downward sucking. Funny.
They are playing with each other more and more. I do love this part. Again, I will say that this litter is extra lovey. They are looking at me and listening to me when I talk to them like never before. And they cuddle. I always hold them on their backs a ton, and these guys are settling for it earlier than most, unless I'm just senile and think that. Maybe I have forgotten timing.
Now that they have microchips, it won't matter if they lose their yarn collars. Those made me very nervous. I like to keep track of who is who, and their chest white spots didn't distinguish them this time. I've never had this many of one sex before either. Now, I have them identified, as long as I carry around this HUGE utensil that reads the numbers!!!! It will be awkward, but it will work. When they are a bit older, I will be able to tell them apart from six feet away, but not now! Sunset and Henri, the sumo wrestlers, are easy to tell as one is grizzle, Henri, and one blue, Sunset. The others are more of a size and not so easy to distinguish. The girl is easy, ha!
Time to hit the road.
The Tied in Knots Curmudgeon