Friday, January 25, 2013

Finally, back from beyond and missing the kids

Well, the rascals are certainly growing and are about as sweet as they can be.  Nancy spoiled them to my heart's content!
I sat down on the floor and they piled onto my lap just as they were supposed to do.  They were nice and warm and they fell asleep after they showed me that they are champion ear snufflers, lickers and nuzzlers.  Champeeeeeen kids!  Two fell out of my lap, but landed asleep and stayed that way!  This was after frantic playing on the floor with me cheering them on.
Got a bunch of pictures.  Posting a representative few.  More on Monday.  Hard keeping up today with the tons of mail, the kids, the patients, etc. etc. etc....

Well, time for me to hit the road home.  Tired isn't even the word!
We will snuggle big time when I get home with all these kids....
The Curmudgeon has arrived HOME!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Visit to Pups #2

The pups are a little over four weeks now!  They grow up so fast.  Amazing change since last week. Got some good shots of individual pups.  However, I do not know who is who - except the little girl.  You will see the diversity of color and perhaps size.  Though the little ones are catching up - the bigger pups are still noticeably bigger.  Will be interesting to watch over the next four weeks. 

Cuddly Little Miss!

Enjoying "real" food...
but if Mom happens by...Mother's Milk is best!
As the only way to really communicate all the growth that has happened this week is with action, here are a few more video posts!  Enjoy!

Pups Play Video #1

Pups Play Video #2

And at the end of all that play...
a pile of tired puppies!

Respectfully submitted for Charlotte in her absence. (She'll be home for next week's post!)      Betty

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Visit to Pups #1

Pups are a little over three weeks old now.  On their feet, playing and growling just like Border Terriers do!  That one little girl can certainly stand up for herself. With 6 brothers, she had better!  Yet she cuddles really well too. Nancy is doing a great job of preparing a wonderful "kitchen floor" playground with things that move, rattle, shake, tunnels and soft stuff too.

Rolling over each other, swatting at the many toys on the kitchen floor...TOO CUTE!

This is one BIG brother!  Bigger than all the rest.
The best way to get an idea of how adorable these little guys are and to appreciate their "stage" of growth this week, is to watch them play.  Here are a couple of videos to enjoy:

As for Mom, she is duty bound to stick around and feed these hungry seven....but is REALLY looking forward to just being able to play with them.  

Respectfully submitted for Charlotte in her absence.  Another visit next week.     Betty

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

last day for a bit

Betty told me last night there weren't enough pictures and too many words yesterday.  So, I will put up the pictures I took today.
I did get pictures of one of them going over Mom's back to suck.  That cracks me up!  

Betty said that she would come by and take some pictures while I'm gone and put them on the blog.  She doesn't want you to be bereft for two weeks.  She's awfully nice, isn't she?
Old Curmudgeon

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Grey, rainy wintery day

So what does that have to do with anything?  I don't know.  Probably nothing.  Doesn't explain why I left my cell phone plugged in at home so can't put the pictures I wanted to put onto the blog today.  Boogers!!!

I hurt them again today.  I put their microchips in.  My office manager, who trained and worked as a vet tech, helped, with trepidation.  Now she is convinced that we need to do it early every time. They were very good and didn't seem to bat an eye, except for the last boy done, Percy.  Most did not complain at all.  Of course, I assuaged my conscience by injecting them with a bit of lidocaine, numbing agent, first.  I HATE hurting them.  I'm still tied in knots over it and my blood pressure is probably in the dangerous region.  Maybe a glass of wine after Nosework class tonight is in order.

These microchips are ISO chips, meaning that they can go to Canada, Australia, England, etc. and the chips will be able to be read.  Took me a long time to find the right ones, and now everyone is selling them!

The babies are doing well after their ordeal.  Nursing to beat the band.  One of them even has his bum end over his mother's back with his head pointing downward sucking.  Funny.

They are playing with each other more and more.  I do love this part.  Again, I will say that this litter is extra lovey.  They are looking at me and listening to me when I talk to them like never before.  And they cuddle.  I always hold them on their backs a ton, and these guys are settling for it earlier than most, unless I'm just senile and think that.  Maybe I have forgotten timing.

Now that they have microchips, it won't matter if they lose their yarn collars.  Those made me very nervous.  I like to keep track of who is who, and their chest white spots didn't distinguish them this time.  I've never had this many of one sex before either.  Now, I have them identified, as long as I carry around this HUGE utensil that reads the numbers!!!!  It will be awkward, but it will work.  When they are a bit older, I will be able to tell them apart from six feet away, but not now!  Sunset and Henri, the sumo wrestlers, are easy to tell as one is grizzle, Henri, and one blue, Sunset.  The others are more of a size and not so easy to distinguish.  The girl is easy, ha!

Time to hit the road.
The Tied in Knots Curmudgeon

Monday, January 7, 2013

Jan. 7, Monday, 2013

They are getting ready to play with toys.  That is a new one Bonnie and I found on Saturday when we went to the pet store for dog food!  Had to look at the toys too!  I liked the orange and aqua.  I do like those GoDog toys with "Chew Guard"  They last a bit longer than most stuffed toys with these powerfully jawed dogs.  This has a squeaker and goes through the wash....

Well, these little rascals are progressing fast!  Last night, as I was sitting at the table doing crafts, I saw two of them playing with each other.  Yesterday was the day that they decided they didn't need to sleep all of the time they weren't eating, so they started playing.  They also decided to start to try to steal their mother's food!  They were intent on getting some of that mushy kibble!  Smells good to them!  Of course, it was laced with some salmon and juice off an elk steak I grilled.  Maybe that is why they decided it was time, who knows?
They are a very cuddly bunch.  Bonnie, from Vancouver, BC, Canada, was here this weekend to visit and get a puppy fix.  She couldn't believe how cuddly they are even at this stage.  I'm very excited about that part. 
Snow in the forecast.  No, they are too young to go out in it.  I just hope it doesn't keep me from getting to the airport on Thursday!  Winter travel.  It can always be an adventure!
Until next time,

Friday, January 4, 2013

Two weeks old now and ready to meet the world!

Yes, hard to believe that they are already two weeks old.  I must be having fun, because it seems like yesterday that they came into this world!
They all have their eyes open and they are starting to walk instead of pulling themselves along.  It is fun to watch.  Troopers all.

  I'll try to get pictures of them up on their legs later today or this weekend.  It will happen that they aren't asleep at SOME point.  Of course they will be eating then, but I'll try to catch them going TO the milk!
 Already I'm falling in love with these guys.  This is a very snuggly litter.
 More later,

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Right on time!!!!

Eyes opening.  Last night, blue boy Mr. IQ had his left eye open.  This morning Percy has an eye open and a few slits are showing on some of the others.  I will get face pictures when I can.  Bonnie is coming for the weekend, so we should be able to get good face pictures, some with eyes OPEN!  Right now, they still mostly have their eyes shut since the sleep most of the time!

What else is there to say?  Well, it is getting to the fun time, when they open their eyes and start more to interact with the world around them.  It is amazing to watch them learn.  I love it!

I also love watching them become mush buckets.  They are already calming down when I put them on their backs and stroke their chests.  They calm immediately when mom licks their tummies, but are learning the chest trick too.  Also, if you ever want to smell puppy breath, my favorite perfume in the world, stroke the  side of their face and they will open their mouth....

Enough from the Old Curmudgeon today.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Guess who is starting baby growls!

The little rascals are pretty much on time, growling with a hint that eyes will be opening in the next day or so.  They are terriers!!!

They are eating a lot so that they can grow up.  They are doing a good job of it.  Soon they'll start tearing up the world of the kitchen.  I don't know how many times Karl, my handy man, has remolded the moulding and painted the cabinets, etc, when puppies have gnawed off the corners and any other place they could gnaw.  It will happen again, undoubtedly.
There will be a gap in the blog from Jan. 10-24 while I visit my son, daughter-in-law, grandsons and my house in Hawaii.  I will also get to see my brother and his family including his two grandsons, Naulu and AJ.  How fun to see how those little boys are growing.  I'll get to see some Border Terrier friends there too and at least one Border Terrier.  My grandsons will show me how they have advanced in their swimming and, who knows, maybe I'll even get to see a competition?!  
I hate to miss that much of the babies upbringing, but Nancy will stay with them, and if there is anything Nancy loves, it is puppies.  She is good at sitting on the floor with them like I do and at this age.  She will provide them with the educational toys, etc. that I will give her.  That is the most important thing at this age, loving them and making them mush buckets. 
I will try to post some pictures from Hawaii when I get back.  It will be hard, I'm sure, but I'll do it!
Meanwhile, I'll post more puppy pictures until I leave.
Hasta la vista,