Elwha's JD Jye, 2/14/2004 -4/16/2018
JD, the son of Lil and Harley, went to live with Jean Rassbach. He had a wonderful life with Jean until Jean got cancer and died. Jean had asked that JD stay with his daughter, and he did until she too had medical problems that caused her to return JD to the Elwha pack. JD went to live with Kathleen, my daughter, in Bellingham, WA as I had already moved to Hawaii. We found a number of homes for him, but he stayed with Kathleen. In getting him ready to go to one of those homes, lab tests showed abnormal calcium levels. Working that up was not showing anything until one day when a bump showed up on his side. It was lymphoma, and the vet gave JD two months to live. That was well over a year ago. Kathleen moved in with me in September, 2017, and thinking that JD might go any day, he stayed in Bellingham. Kathleen's husband, Gilbert, had never much liked the Border Terriers as he is a "big" dog person, but he fell in love with JD and when he called Kathleen this morning, he was bawling as hard as Kathleen was when she called me. She was on her way to work. JD was amazing and kept on going, long past his supposed overdue date. He loved Kathleen most, but loved Kate and Gil too. We know he loved Jean. Now he is reunited with his best friend.
Jean and JD had lots of fun together and JD and Jean earned him MANY titles, CH, agility, obedience, rally, earthdog, tracking and who knows what else? He was a remarkable dog, thanks to Jean Rassbach.
We will always remember JD and remember what a tough little terrier he was. He has a brother, Harta Gold who has had a ton of fun in his life with Heather Somers and is now getting blind and deaf but still has lots of fun, a brother PepperJack, who lost his best friend, Dennis, a bit over a year ago, but who now has fun with a new friend. Sisters who live in Arlington, WA, Oregon and Florida and who are loved to heaven knows. That was an amazing litter and JD was certainly a shining light in it.
We will miss JD and his legacy, but know he is now beyond hurting.
Signing off,
The Sad Curmudgeon
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