Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Scary Sunday!!!!

Don't you hate it when nightmares come true?  I do.
Over the weekend I planned to take the pups out as often as possible and we were doing a darn good job of it too!  Sunday on our second trip out I was set to take pictures because they were coming to my whistle so perfectly and it was the cutest thing in the world.  Forgot the camera the first time out.  Boogers!
We were out all of two minutes and I was trying to capture the little rats on film running at me and saw a shadow go over me.  I looked up and a bald eagle was RIGHT THERE!!!!  I scooped up the bunch and headed into the house in record time after I yelled at the eagle to stay away!  Scary in spades!  That ruined my day and my plans and my picture taking, big time!
After that we went into the north yard and stayed under the hedge or out in the front yard in the little run I have that I have covered with fence slats.  I sit in it, but it isn't long enough to have them run to me and I can only sit.  Even in the north yard I am constantly watching the sky.  It was hard enough trying to take pictures and watch THEM without having to watch the sky too.  No more pictures except in the pen, sitting down.
I am going to order some gazebo things that Costco has coming on sale and put them up side by side in that south yard and reclaim it for the puppies, no eagles allowed!  The structures have a see-through roof, i.e. not dark, and they are big enough we can have fun out there, they won't rot like the other things I've hung up out there in the past and I can stand up in them!  All good things.  That eagle was CLOSE, too close for comfort!  Scared the living daylights out of me.  MYYYYYYY babies!!!!!!

They are cute.  They come running whenever I'm near and have started chewing on my toes.  (No, that isn't cute!)  Mr. Boyle is the one who demands I come around if he can see me doing charts at the table, for instance.  He is already spoiled and LOVES to be held.  He cuddles right in!!!  They all climb on anything and everything and are not afraid of much.  We went out in back on Friday and they spent time with all four of the kitty boys.  Kidd, the oldest and dog wisest, loves puppies and wove in and out among them.  They were a bit taken aback at first, but adapted fairly rapidly.  I carry one or the other out usually when I go out to put the cats in their cat house at night and they get a rub from Kidd usually.
It is frightening how fast they grow up.  I have some new books with new things to try.  We'll see how the old curmudgeon does!
More soon,

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