Monday, April 30, 2012

Curmudgeon blows it!!!

I forgot to bring the camera to work today to take all those zillions of pictures I took over the weekend off and put some onto the blog!!!  Duh!
The babies are growing up, as per schedule.  We did spend quite a few hours outside this weekend and I put up more cover so that I would feel more secure that the raptors wouldn't descent on us and take home lunch.  Tomorrow, when they go on sale, I'm ordering a few that won't disintegrate in the sun, wind and rain. They will let light through, but stay standing.  I may hate it when it lets the grass dry out, but maybe not.  I'll deal with it when that time comes.  I can't stand it the way it is now.  We did have a hawk fly over this weekend, but nothing like the eagle!!!
I put all of their play equipment out and they are climbing things, sliding down things, going through multiple tunnels, going into holes at the base of the cherry tree and getting into all kinds of mischief.  Great puppies.  They also will sit in my lap or anyone else's lap for as long as anyone will sit on the floor with them.  Snuggle bug city.
They are supposed to be wormed at six, eight, ten and twelve weeks, so Sat. we started.  Panacur, three days in a row.  They LOVE the cat food morsel with which I mixed it.  They each have inhaled their morsels, both days so far.  Now they don't want their dog food, just mom's milk and cat food.  They are only in luck on one of those and are still doing fine.  I just think that maybe they don't like the new dog food.  We'll see.
They are experiencing the cats, one at a time, and they have walked on cement, gravel, dirt, wood, and of course, grass.  They don't seem to mind any surface.  I am teaching each one to walk beside me and I feed them every few steps as they walk with me.  It will be EASY to transition them to heeling with that in their minds.
We did have visitors this weekend and they were able to visit new people and dogs.  Next weekend they will stay with Bonnie, Betty and Skip while I take Zinger and my dogs to a handling seminar in Canada. It will be good for them to have yet another change of scenery! 
They continue to sniff out the treats in the kitchen on all of the apparatus that move.  They LOVE that game and sniff audibly the entire time.  Of course they love the Natural Balance doggie sausage bits and pieces that I use for treats.
Better get busy!

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